Jody Oberfelder Projects

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Story Time Premieres May 16th & 17th


Earthly Beings film

tours this Fall


ADF’s Movies by Movers

November 1-3, Durham, North Carolina

New York Short Film Festival

November 12, 6PM, Cinema Village

Screening Date To Be Announced ~


ABOUT Earthly Beings

Earthly Beings is a film directed by Jody Oberfelder, devised with young people from the theater company, “Our Fabulous Variety Show”. In this poetic cinematic world we ask: how can our embodies presence as humans yield a gentle impact on the future? How do we collaborate with each other and the earth?

Director/Choreagrapher: Jody Oberfelder

Music: Missy Mazzoli

Cinematographer: Christian Scheider

Editor: Nate Reninga

Producer: Guild Hall

Performers: Our Fabulous Variety Show, Aaliyah Brown, Allie Davis, Jack Davis, Jaelyn Hernandez, Bebe Huberty, Brie Lys, Farleigh Stewart, Lorenzo Rodriguez, Lori Rodriguez, Sam Rafferty, Sofia Rowe

Watch the TRAILER


Never miss a chance to experience Jody Oberfelder Projects LIVE!

Jody Oberfelder Projects is back home in NYC! We are taking some time to process the incredible experience of participating in Dance München Festival! We are also expanding concepts for immersive walking performances, towards a new and adventurous work to be premiered in Spring 2024. Stay tuned…there are many new ideas brewing!

Is JOP Available for Touring?

The Answer is…YES! Please visit our Presenter’s Page for a glimpse into all that JOP offers!



““…fresh, imaginative and utterly charming.””

Roslyn Sulcas - 2017


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